一、相关荣誉 新疆“天山英才”,兵团青年五四奖章,兵团 “强基”科技领军人才,石河子大学“3152”拔尖人才,“科创中国”农业工程科技服务团高级专家,新疆维吾尔自治区社会实践先进个人,兵团“农业现代化建设青年积极分子”,石河子大学师德标兵,国家自然科学基金同行评审专家,中国农业工程学会高级会员,American Journal of Agriculture and Forestry国际杂志编委,Irrigation Science期刊审稿专家。 二、发表的主要论文 [1]. Xu, Q., Xu, Y., Xia, H., et al. Mitigation of soil salinity by biochar and halophytes. Geoderma[J], 2025, 454: 117191. (SCI一区) [2]. Xu, Q., Han, H., Xu, Y., et al. Effect of the biochar interlayer on saline wasteland desalination and the development of Suaeda salsa roots. Environmental Technology & Innovation[J], 2025, 37: 103976. (SCI二区) [3]. Xu, Q., Liu, H., Li, M., et al., Optimizing water and nitrogen management for saline wasteland improvement: A case study on Suaeda salsa. Agricultural Water Management[J], 2024, 301:108930. (SCI一区) [4]. Li, Z., Liu, H., Wang, T., et al., Deep vertical rotary tillage depths improved soil conditions and cotton yield for saline farmland in South Xinjiang. European Journal of Agronomy[J], 2024, 156:127166. (SCI一区) [5]. Li, Y., Li, Z., Gong, P., et al., Enhanced irrigation volume reduces salinity and improves deep root zone soil nutrients, phosphatase activity and changes root traits of fruit trees. Agricultural Water Management[J], 2024, 302:109001. (SCI一区) [6]. Bai, Z., Li, Z., Li, L., et al., Deep vertical rotary tillage reduced soil salinity and improved seed cotton yield and water productivity under limited irrigation in saline-alkaline fields. Industrial Crops and Products[J], 2024, 218:118943. (SCI一区) [7]. Xu, Q., Liu, H.G., Li, M.S., et al., Effects of water-nitrogen coupling on water and salt environment and root distribution in Suaeda salsa. Frontiers in Plant Science[J], 2024, 15. (SCI二区) [8]. 刘洪光, 李智杰, 李玲, 等, 粉垄深松深耕改善南疆重度盐碱土理化性质和棉花产量及其后效. 农业工程学报[J], 2024, 40(13):45-57. (EI) [9]. Yang, C., Liu, H., Gong, P., et al., Electrolysis characterization of saline wastewater discharged from a subsurface pipe in saline-alkali land. Journal of Water Process Engineering[J], 2023, 55:104265. (SCI二区) [10]. Li, L., Liu, H., Gong, P., et al., Multi-objective optimization of winter irrigation for cotton fields in salinized freeze-thaw areas. European Journal of Agronomy[J], 2023, 143:126715. (SCI一区) [11]. Bai, Z., Liu, H., Li, J., et al., Eight-year comparison of agroeconomic benefits of open ditch and subsurface pipe drainage in mulched drip irrigated saline–sodic farmland. Irrigation Science[J], 2023, 41(5):687-699. (SCI二区) [12]. 刘洪光, 白振涛,李开明, 基于HYDRUS-2D模型的膜下滴灌暗管排水棉田土壤盐分变化. 农业工程学报[J], 2021, 37(02):130-141. (EI) [13]. Lin, E., Liu, H., Li, X., et al., Promoting the production of salinized cotton field by optimizing water and nitrogen use efficiency under drip irrigation. Journal of Arid Land[J], 2021, 13(7):699-716. (SCI二区) [14]. Li, X., Liu, H., Li, J., et al., Experimental study and multi-objective optimization for drip irrigation of grapes in arid areas of northwest China. Agricultural Water Management [J], 2020, 232. (SCI一区) [15]. Liu, H., He, X., Li, J., et al., Effects of water-fertilizer coupling on root distribution and yield of Chinese Jujube trees in Xinjiang. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering[J], 2017, 10(6):103-114. (SCI二区) [16]. He, X., Liu, H., Ye, J., et al., Comparative investigation on soil salinity leaching under subsurface drainage and ditch drainage in Xinjiang arid region. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering[J], 2016, 9(6):109-118. (SCI二区) [17]. 李明思, 刘洪光,郑旭荣, 长期膜下滴灌农田土壤盐分时空变化. 农业工程学报[J], 2012, 28(22):82-87. (EI) 三、授权专利 [1]. 李明思,李玉芳,刘洪光,聂锦杰. 具有引导渗流作用的排水暗管装置的制备方法[P]. 新疆:CN108307716B,2019-10-01. [2]. 刘焕芳,刘洪光,王亚朦,李强. 渗管取水泉水模拟装置[P]. 新疆:CN107293202A,2017-10-24. [3]. 刘洪光,叶建威,何新林,张杰,阿尔娜古丽,龚萍,葛阳,田海博,刘昭希,史尚渝. 一种滴灌灌溉均匀度评价方法[P]. 新疆:CN104680334B,2017-10-03. [4]. 李玉芳,李明思,秦文豹,刘洪光,谢中意. 农田非饱和条件下的暗管排水装置以及铺设方法[P]. 新疆:CN106906809A,2017-06-30. [5]. 李玉芳,李明思,刘洪光,张金珠,秦文豹. 一种农田暗管排水系统及施工方法[P]. 新疆:CN104929090B,2017-07-07. [6]. 刘焕芳,李强,刘洪光,李淼. 一种水工模型试验闸门启闭装置[P]. 新疆:CN104762920B,2017-01-18. [7]. 李强,刘焕芳,刘洪光,李淼. 一种水工模型试验闸门启闭装置及制作方法[P]. 新疆:CN104762919B,2016-07-20. [8]. 刘洪光,何新林,叶建威,龚萍,张杰,阿尔娜古丽,葛阳,陈新瑞,田海博,刘昭希,史尚渝. 用于水生植物纯蒸腾量的测量装置[P]. 新疆:CN105277664A,2016-01-27. [9]. 何新林,唐凯,刘洪光,姜海波. 用于消减渠道水面蒸发的气囊装置[P]. 新疆:CN104878716A,2015-09-02. [10]. 刘焕芳,李强,刘洪光,李淼. 一种新型水工模型试验闸门启闭装置[P]. 新疆:CN104762920A,2015-07-08. [11]. 龚萍,刘洪光,何新林,张杰,叶建威,阿尔娜古丽,葛阳,刘昭希,史尚渝,田海博. 一种果树喷滴灌系统[P]. 新疆:CN104663103A,2015-06-03. [12]. 刘洪光,叶建威,何新林,张杰,阿尔娜古丽,龚萍,葛阳,田海博,刘昭希,史尚渝. 一种滴灌灌溉均匀度评价方法[P]. 新疆:CN104680334A,2015-06-03. [13]. 何新林,刘洪光,史尚渝,龚萍,张杰,叶建威,阿尔娜古丽,刘昭希,葛阳,田海博. 土地灌水定额的确定方法[P]. 新疆:CN104620945A,2015-05-20. [14]. 乔长录,何新林,杨广,刘兵,吕廷波,刘洪光. 一种基于无线电磁波的农田土壤墒情实时监测方法及装置[P]. 新疆:CN104535591A,2015-04-22. [15]. 王振华,郑旭荣,何新林,刘洪光. 一种改进型连续作业液体施肥罐[P]. 新疆:CN103814668A,2014-05-28. [16]. 刘洪光,李明思,何新林,张凤华,史尚渝,陆华天. 一种农业水土改良灌溉排水系统[P]. 新疆:CN103477952A,2014-01-01. [17]. 刘洪光,郑旭荣,何新林,李明思,王振华,杨慧慧. 重盐碱地开沟覆膜滴灌土壤改良技术[P]. 新疆:CN101919331A,2010-12-22. [18]. Liu Hongguang, Bai Zhentao, Gong Ping, He Xinlin, Li Mingsi, Cao Minghai, Feng Jinping, Li Zhijie, Cai Rui, Jia Feifei, Li Pengfei. Stereoscopic collaborative comprehensive treatment mode and construction method of the heavily salinized farmland[P]. Australia: 2020103349, 2021-01-06. [19]. 刘洪光,何新林,龚萍,白振涛,冯进平,曹明海. 盐碱地改良中暗管排水的水量计算智能软件V1.0[CP/CD]. 著作权登记号: 2020SRO477884,2020-05-20. [20]. 刘洪光,何新林,龚萍,李玲,林恩,李小龙. 基于优化的暗管排水水量计算智能软件V1.0[CP/CD]. 著作权登记号: 2020SRO477891,2020-05-20. 四、获得学术奖励 1. 刘洪光,新疆长期膜下滴灌农田土壤盐分演变及调控研究,新疆生产建设兵团科技局,兵团级,一等奖,2012。(刘洪光(第六)) 2. 刘洪光,南疆绿洲农业区少免冬春灌棉田节水技术研究与示范,新疆生产建设兵团科技局,兵团级,三等奖,2011。(刘洪光(第五)) 3. 刘洪光,(7/10)新疆特色经济农林作物高效用水技术集成与示范应用,大禹水利科学技术奖,三等奖,2017,10.(李宁,王兴鹏,何新林,杨贵森,王振华,姚宝林,刘洪光,李朝阳,臧文,宋建峰) 4. 刘洪光,(6/10)新疆荒漠区典型植被生态需水尺度转化及需水量研究,兵团级,新疆生产建设兵团科学技术进步奖,二等奖,2018,09.(何新林,杨广,徐海量,乔长录,孙涛,王春霞,刘洪光,李小龙,陈伏龙,刘兵) 5. 刘洪光,农田暗管排水排盐工程技术研发与应用,中国产学研联合创新奖,2021。(刘洪光(第一)) 6. 刘洪光,盐碱土壤改良剂产品研发及应用推广,全国农牧渔业丰收获奖,省部级,2022。(刘洪光(第四)) |