




























Carbon Research》、《Sustainability》、《资源科学》、《生态环境学报》、《中国生态农业学报》、《农业资源与环境学报》、《南水北调与水利科技》、《人民珠江》编委



















































1. 天山北坡水资源承载力与水安全要素基础性调查:地表水资源开发状况调查,科技部第三次新疆综合科学考察项目课题   2021-2024    147万元

2. -乌干旱区绿洲节水灌溉技术、装备与标准研发,兵团财政科技计划项目  2021-2023   120万元

3. 黄河三角洲区域盐渍土主要可溶物迁移机制、效应及调控机理研究,国家基金委-山东联合基金重点项目2020-2023247万元

4. 泛第三极环境变化与绿色丝绸之路建设专项子课题:中亚农业生产与水土资源优化利用,中国科学院战略性先导科技专项  2018-2023   120万元

5. 原位观测13C同位素解析土壤有机碳稳定性的研究,国家基金委面上项目2018-202163万元

6. 东非农田生态系统时空格局及其对粮食安全的影响评估——以埃塞俄比亚为例,国家基金委国际合作重点项目2018-2022299万元









1. Li, Z., Li, X., Zhang, Q., Li, F., Qiao, Y., Liu, S., ... & Cheng, H. (2024). Influences of shallow groundwater depth on N2O diffusion along the soil profile of summer maize fields in North China Plain. Science of The Total Environment, 926, 171861.

2. Pan, Y., Tian, H., Farid, M. A., He, X., Heng, T., Hermansen, C., ... & Yang, G. (2024). Metaheuristic optimization of water resources: A case study of the Manas River irrigation district. Journal of Hydrology, 639, 131640.

3. He K, Zhang, Qiuying, Ai, Zhipin, Xu, Ning, Qiao, Yunfeng, Tian, Chao, Leng, Peifang, Cheng, Hefa, Chen, Gang and Li, Fadong (2024) Characteristics and Influence Factors of Soil Water and Salt Movement in the Yellow River Irrigation District. AGRONOMY-BASEL 14 DOI 10.3390/agronomy14010092

4. Li FD, Wang Y, Shi BQ, Sun SF, Wang S, Pang S, Wu XF (2024) Association between the cumulative average triglyceride glucose-body mass index and cardiovascular disease incidence among the middle-aged and older population: a prospective nationwide cohort study in China. CARDIOVASCULAR DIABETOLOGY 23 DOI 10.1186/s12933-023-02114-w

5. Li XR, Li Z, Fu WZ, Li FD (2024) The Influence of Shallow Groundwater on the Physicochemical Properties of Field Soil, Crop Yield, and Groundwater. AGRICULTURE-BASEL 14 DOI 10.3390/agriculture14030341

6. Shu W, Zhang QY, Audet J, Li Z, Leng PF, Qiao YF, Tian C, Chen G, Zhao J, Cheng HF, Li FD (2024) Non-negligible N2O emission hotspots: Rivers impacted by ion-adsorption rare earth mining. WATER RESEARCH 251 DOI 10.1016/j.watres.2024.121124

7. Zhang X, Li Y, Li F (2024) Spatial distribution characteristics of soil water-salt gradients in the ecological buffer zone of arid zone lakes and their influencing factors. Journal of Cleaner Production 444: 141299 DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2024.141299

8. 徐宁, 李发东, 张秋英, et al. 2024. 基于机器学习和未来气候变化模式的埃塞俄比亚粮食产量预测. 中国生态农业学报(中英文) [J], 32: 490-504+I0001,I0002.

9. 李绪润, 李兆, 张秋英, 李发东, 付伟章. 华北平原禹城地区地下水埋深对地下水及土壤水分和盐分分布的试验研究. 灌溉排水学报[J], 2024, 43 (S1): 108-119.

10. Hao L, Wang P, Gojenko B, Yu J, Lv A, Li F, Kenjabaev S, Kulmatov R, Khikmatov F (2023) Five decades of freshwater salinization in the Amu Darya River basin. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 47: 101375 DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejrh.2023.101375

11. Hirwa H, Li F, Measho S, Chen G, Muhirwa F, Zhang Q, Kayiranga A, Qiao Y, Leng P, Tian C, Yang G, Baranyika JB, Wang S, Simbi CH, Izerimana E, Peng Y, Ngwijabagabo H, Niyonzima T (2023) Understanding grain virtual water flux dynamics and drivers from a socio-ecohydrological perspective: A case study of landlocked developing countries of Africa. Journal of Cleaner Production 413: 137555 DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.137555

12. Khasanov S, Kulmatov R, Li F, van Amstel A, Bartholomeus H, Aslanov I, Sultonov K, Kholov N, Liu H, Chen G (2023) Impact assessment of soil salinity on crop production in Uzbekistan and its global significance. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 342: 108262 DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2022.108262

13. Leng P, Li Z, Zhang Q, Koschorreck M, Li F, Qiao Y, Xia J (2023) Deciphering large-scale spatial pattern and modulators of dissolved greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, and N2O) along the Yangtze River, China. Journal of Hydrology 623: 129710 DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2023.129710

14. Li Z, Zhang Q, Li Z, Liu S, Tian C, Qiao Y, Cheng H, Chen G, Tang Q, Li F (2023) Influence of hydrogeological and geochemical parameters on N2O in the groundwater in the irrigation area of lower reaches of Yellow River. Journal of Hydrology 620: 129508 DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2023.129508

15. Li Z, Zhang Q, Li Z, Qiao Y, Du K, Yue Z, Tian C, Leng P, Cheng H, Chen G, Li F (2023) Responses of soil CO2 emissions to tillage practices in a wheatmaize cropping system: A 4-year field study. Field Crops Research 294: 108832 DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fcr.2023.108832

16. Li ZX, Zhang QY, Li FD, Li Z, Qiao YF, Du K, Yue ZW, Tian C, Leng PF, Cheng HF, Chen G (2023) Soil CO2 emission reduction with no-tillage and medium nitrogen fertilizer applications in semi-humid maize cropland in North China Plain. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF AGRONOMY 147 DOI 10.1016/j.eja.2023.126838

17. Li ZX, Zhang QY, Li Z, Qiao YF, Du K, Yue ZW, Tian C, Leng PF, Cheng HF, Chen G, Li FD (2023) Responses of soil greenhouse gas emissions to no-tillage: A global meta-analysis. SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION 36: 479-492 DOI 10.1016/j.spc.2023.02.003

18. Liu S, Li F, Zhang Q, Li Z, Tian C, Qiao Y, Du K, Cheng H, Chen G, Li X (2023) Soil Quality Improvement with Increasing Reclamation Years in the Yellow River Delta. Agronomy. DOI 10.3390/agronomy13102576

19. Liu S, Zhang Q, Li Z, Tian C, Qiao Y, Du K, Cheng H, Chen G, Li X, Li F (2023) Soil Salinity Weakening and Soil Quality Enhancement after Long-Term Reclamation of Different Croplands in the Yellow River Delta. Sustainability. DOI 10.3390/su15021173

20. Measho S, Li F, Chen G, Hirwa H (2023) Characterizing cropland patterns across North-East Africa using time series Vegetation Indices. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences n/a: e2022JG007075 DOI https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JG007075

21. Monteoliva MI, Ruiz OA, Li FD (2023) Editorial: Legumes and their microbiome in climate change mitigation. FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE 14 DOI 10.3389/fpls.2023.1220535

22. Ran M, Tian H, Yang G, Li X, Tian L, Kong C, Liu B, Li P, Xue L, Li F, Li Y, Gao Y (2023) Source Water Apportionment Using Stable Isotopes for Typical Riparian Plants along the Manas River in Xinjiang, Northwest China. Water. DOI 10.3390/w15050927

23. Shu W, Li F, Zhang Q, Li Z, Qiao Y, Audet J, Chen G (2023) Pollution caused by mining reshaped the structure and function of bacterial communities in China’s largest ion-adsorption rare earth mine watershed. Journal of Hazardous Materials 451: 131221 DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2023.131221

24. Tian C, Wang LX, Li FD, Zhang X, Jiao WZ, Medici MG, Kaseke KF, Beysens D (2023) The moisture origin of dew: Insights from three sites with contrasting climatic conditions. HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES 37 DOI 10.1002/hyp.14902

25. Wu YQ, Song S, Li FD, Cui HT, Wang R, Yang SJ, Li Z, Chen G (2023) Multimedia fate of sulfamethoxazole (SMX) in a water-scarce city by coupling fugacity model and HYDRUS-1D model. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 881 DOI 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.163331

26. Xu X, Tian H, Yang G, Li X, He X, Li Y, Gao Y, Li F, Li P, Liu B, Xue L (2023) Spatial and temporal changes in land and water resources on the northern slopes of the Tianshan mountains from the perspective of “production-living-ecological space”. Frontiers in Environmental Science 11: 1121248 DOI 10.3389/fenvs.2023.1121248

27. Yang SJ, Song S, Li FD, Yu GM, He GZ, Cui HT, Wang R, Sun B, Du D, Chen G, Hirwa H (2023) Evaluating farmland ecosystem resilience and its obstacle factors in Ethiopia. Ecological Indicators 146 DOI 10.1016/j.ecolind.2023.109900

28. Yin Y, Wang X, Hu Y, Li F, Cheng H (2023) Insights on the assembly processes and drivers of soil microbial communities in different depth layers in an abandoned polymetallic mining district. Journal of Hazardous Materials 458: 132043 DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2023.132043

29. Yin Y, Wang X, Hu Y, Li F, Cheng H (2023) Soil bacterial community structure in the habitats with different levels of heavy metal pollution at an abandoned polymetallic mine. Journal of Hazardous Materials 442: 130063 DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2022.130063

30. Yue Z, Li Z, Yu G, Chen Z, Shi P, Qiao Y, Du K, Tian C, Zhao F, Leng P, Li Z, Cheng H, Chen G, Li F (2023) Climate controls over phenology and amplitude of net ecosystem productivity in a wheat-maize rotation system in the North China plain. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 333: 109411 DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2023.109411

31. Yue Z, Li Z, Yu G, Chen Z, Shi P, Qiao Y, Du K, Tian C, Zhao F, Leng P, Li Z, Cheng H, Chen G, Li F (2023) Seasonal variations and driving mechanisms of CO2 fluxes over a winter-wheat and summer-maize rotation cropland in the North China plain. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 342: 109699 DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2023.109699

32. 付凯, 高红杰, 李发东, 吴坤, 张秋英, 李兆, 毛珊珊, 李曹乐, 王健祺 (2023) 典型农业区河流水质评价及影响因素分析. 农业资源与环境学报 40: 583-597 DOI 10.13254/j.jare.2022.0881

33. 国秋艳, 张秋英, 李兆, 李发东, 王凡 (2023) 水化学及氮氧同位素技术示踪离子型稀土矿区硝酸盐来源与转化过程. 人民珠江: 1-13

34. 蒋钰, 张秋英, 李发东, 胡江玲, 李曹乐, 王凡 (2023) 快速城市化对深圳水环境的影响分析. 人民珠江 44: 8-17+24

35. 李发东, 李艳红, 帅 郝, 冷佩芳 (2023.6) 天山北坡干旱区生态环境变化研究 中国农业科学技术出版社, 北京

36. 李发东, 栗照鑫, 乔云峰, 刘山宝, 田超, 朱农, Hirwa H, Measho S (2023) 土壤有机碳同位素组成在农田生态系统碳循环中的应用进展. 中国生态农业学报(中英文) 31: 194-205 DOI - 10.12357/cjea.20230029

37. 张梦洁, 李艳红, 李发东, 何新林 (2023) 玛纳斯河流域不同灌区棉田土壤CO_2N_2O排放通量. 水土保持学报 37: 304-312 DOI 10.13870/j.cnki.stbcxb.2023.01.039

38. HAO S, LI F D 2022. Water sources for typical desert vegetation in the Ebinur Lake basin. JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCES [J], 32: 1103-1118.

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43. KHASANOV S, LI F, KULMATOV R, et al. 2022. Evaluation of the perennial spatio-temporal changes in the groundwater level and mineralization, and soil salinity in irrigated lands of arid zone: as an example of Syrdarya Province, Uzbekistan. Agricultural Water Management [J], 263: 107444.

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63. Du K, Qiao Y, Zhang Q, Li F, Li Q, Liu S, Tian C (2021) Modeling Soil Water Content and Crop-Growth Metrics in a Wheat Field in the North China Plain Using RZWQM2. Agronomy 11 DOI 10.3390/agronomy11061245

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66. Leng P, Zhang Q, Li F, Kulmatov R, Wang G, Qiao Y, Wang J, Peng Y, Tian C, Zhu N, Hirwa H, Khasanov S (2021) Agricultural impacts drive longitudinal variations of riverine water quality of the Aral Sea basin (Amu Darya and Syr Darya Rivers), Central Asia. Environmental Pollution 284: 117405 DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2021.117405

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68. Li Z, Li F, Zhang Q, Wang J, Leng P, Tian C, Li X (2021) Influence of land use and change in the proportion of electron donors required for denitrification on N2O in groundwater. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28: 17684-17696 DOI 10.1007/s11356-020-12258-x

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